Veganism: How a Vegan Lifestyle Is Beneficial to Human's and the Environment
Veganism: How a Vegan Lifestyle Is Beneficial to Humans and the Environment By: Kyanna Gonzalez Vegans: Are They Right? By Gimlet Veganism is a controversial dietary lifestyle choice that strives to eliminate animal products from human consumption. Animal products can be considered dairy, meat, or any products such as honey that were made by animals. Some vegans choose to make the switch in their lifestyle due to feeling morally wrong for consuming products made by animals kept in inhumane, mass-production farms. While some individuals simply make the switch to veganism to limit their environmental footprint as meat and dairy production on a mass scale requires a lot of resources and contributes to negative environmental impacts. Using information from the podcast Science Versus titled Vegans: Are They Right? , the question being considered in this blog post includes: Is veganism better for the environment and human health? In terms of greenhouse gas pollution, a vegan diet...